Wydział Matematyki

Analysis on buildings: how and why?

Data: 10.06.2024 Kategoria: Wydarzenie

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Data: 11.06.2024
Miejsce wydarzenia: Wydział Matematyki PWr bud. C19 s. A.1.3
Godzina: 12:00

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Zapraszamy na seminarium wydizłowe 11.06.2024 (wtorek) o godz. 12.00 w sali A.1.3 w budynku C-19Wykład Analysis on buildings: how and why? wygłosi: prof. Bertrand Rémy z École normale supérieure de Lyon. 

Abstract: Harmonic analysis on symmetric spaces is a well-established topic having connections with many different fields in mathematics: geometry, representation theory, number theory for instance. Affine buildings are metric spaces playing a complementary role from this perspective: symmetric spaces are associated with simple real Lie groups, while affine buildings correspond to non-Archimedean Lie groups. Nowadays, without necessarily referring to any group action, it is possible to develop a useful version of harmonic analysis on these singular non-positively curved spaces. Our primary goal will be to introduce the most basic objects and then to provide some motivations for and applications of the theory.
Politechnika Wrocławska © 2024

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