Zapraszamy na kolejny odczyt w dniu 26 marca 2024. Prelegentem będzie prof. Wojciech Samotij (Uniwersytet Telawiwski), który o godzinie 13:15 w sali A.1.3 w budynku C-19 (oraz online) wygłosi wykład pt. ,,Ramsey properties of random graphs".
Streszczenie referatu:
The well-known theorem of Ramsey implies that every red/blue-colouring of the edges of K6, the complete graph on six vertices, must contain a monochromatic triangle. Are there graphs that do not contain a K6 as a subgraph and still have this property? Forty years ago, this innocent question motivated the study of Ramsey and extremal properties of random graphs, an area of research that remains very active to this day. The aim of this talk is to provide a gentle introduction to this area, answering the above question along the way.