Wydział Matematyki

Wykład Topological normality preservation by addition

Data: 15.10.2023 Kategoria: Wydarzenie

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Data: 19.10.2023
Miejsce wydarzenia: Wydział Matematyki PWr bud. C19 s. A.1.14
Godzina: 11:15

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W czwartek  19.10.2023 r. o godzinie 11:15 w sali A.1.14 w budynku C19  zostanie wygłoszony wykład w ramach działalności Centrum Rylla-Nardzewskiego.
Speaker: Tomasz Downarowicz
TitleTopological normality preservation by addition
In this lecture, inaugural for the CRN seminar, I will present something perhaps interesting, very natural and - above all - easy to follow, namely, an answer to the question given below: A symbolic sequence x over a finite alphabet A= {0,1,2,...,r-1} is called topologically normal if it is transitive in the full shift over A (that is, every finite block of symbols occurs in x). In the shift space we introduce coordinatewise addition modulo r. 
What sequences y over A have the property that x + y is topologically normal for every topologically normal sequence x?
The answer is surprising, because it involves a new class of sequences that presumably none of us has ever heard about before.    
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