Wydział Matematyki

Trzecie spotkanie z cyklu Talentomat

Data: 27.05.2022 Kategoria: Studenci

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Data: 13.06.2022
Miejsce wydarzenia: Politechnika Wrocławska bud. A1 s. 204
Godzina: 17:00

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bergelson-1.pngPrzed nami kolejne spotkanie w ramach TALENTMATu. Tym razem prelegentem będzie prof. Vitaly Bergelson z Ohio State University w Columbus.

TYTUŁ:  Uniform Distribution of Sequences - the Cornerstone of the Monte Carlo Method
KIEDY:   13.06.2022 r. (poniedziałek) godzina 17:00
GDZIE:   sala 204 w budynku A1

ABSTRAKT: A sequence of real numbers (x_n ), n = 1, 2, ... , is uniformly distributed in the interval [0, 1] if, for any subinterval I = [a, b] of [0, 1], the proportion of elements x_n falling in I equals b − a, the length of interval I. For example, if (x_n) is uniformly distributed in [0, 1] then it 'spends' half of the time in [0, 1/2] and half of the time in [1/2, 1]. But it follows from the definition that our sequence (x_n) has to spend half of the time in ANY subinterval of length 1/2, which makes one wonder if uniformly distributed sequences exist. (They do!) After a brief excursion into the history of this notion, we will provide numerous examples of uniformly distributed sequences and discuss the connections with the Monte Carlo method for computational algorithms, number theory, probability theory and physics. We will conclude the lecture with a brief review of some interesting open problems.

Prof. Vitaly Bergelson podczas krótkiej wizyty w Polsce wygłosi jeszcze dodatkowo dwa wykłady przygotowane z myślą o doktorantach, studentach studiów II stopnia oraz wszystkich matematykach zainteresowanych teorią ergodyczną. 

14.06 o godz. 11:15, s. 204 bud. A1 - Ergodic Ramsey Theory: a Meeting Point of Combinatorics, Number Theory, and Dynamics.

15.06 o godz. 17:00, s. P01bud. C-11 - Ergodic theory, lazy physicist paradox, and polynomial patterns in large sets.

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